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Fish Trap

材質:竹/籐、金屬 Bamboo/ rattan, metal


This fish trap, made of bamboo, has a cylindrical shape with a narrow opening at the top and a wider opening at the bottom. The upper part is bound with hemp rope and secured with fine rattan and wire. At the halfway point on the inside, the main body is anchored with rattan strips, which are interwoven with finer rattan strips. Near the bottom, there are two parallel decorative patterns woven from fine rattan to reinforce the structure. While designed for catching fish, it lacks a funnel-shaped fish entrance.

Thau does not live near the sea, however, their proximity to Sun Moon Lake has led to the development of a mixed economy culture involving both land and water. Fishing plays a crucial role in their diet, and when they catch a substantial number of fish and shrimp, they preserve them through pickling. This practice has made pickled seafood one of the traditional specialties. They employ various methods for fishing, including ‘Floating Bait’, ‘Caged Fish Trap’, ‘Poison Fishing’, ‘Net Fishing,’ ‘Fish Trapping,’ and others, showcasing the thriving nature of Thau fisheries and the unique aspects of their culture.

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